Category Archives: motivation

L 773

When do I read? I CAN’T find time to read.

The Context, Not The Time

Ohh yes, I always wanted to read, but 24 hours aren’t enough.

There’s no time to breathe. When do I read.

THERE IS NO TIME TO DIE. And you talk about reading?

I hear this from so many people, and then I wonder, how come Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani, Warren Buffet, Narendra Modi, and some of your friends never say this.

Implement this one concept, and you will never have a TIME issue again!

Your Mission:

1. Watch the following videos:

Best time to read

L 770

Get the ACTION Habit

Got a good idea? Then do something about it. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Action feeds and strengthens confidence, inaction in all forms feeds fear. Every big job requires a man who thinks ACTION, i.e. ability to get things done, to get results.

Excellent ideas are not enough. An only fair idea acted upon and developed, is 100% better than a terrific idea that dies because it isn’t followed up. Think of it. Everything we have in this world, from satellites to sky scrappers to baby food is just an idea acted upon. Mr. Activationist gets the things done he wants done, and as by-products he gains confidence, a feeling of inner security, self reliance and more income. Mr. Passivationist is a don’ter. He postpones doing things until he has proved he shouldn’t or can’t do them or until it’s too late.

Ideas are important. We must have ideas to create and improve anything. Ideas in themselves are not enough. An idea is of value only when it is acted upon, else they will be buried deep down into the mental graveyard. First, give your ideas value by acting upon them. Second, act on your ideas and gain mind tranquility. Someone once said that the saddest words of tongue or pen are these: it might have been.

To fight fear – ACT. To increase fear – wait, put off, postpone. A good idea if not acted upon produces terrible psychological pain. But a good idea acted upon brings enormous mental satisfaction. To wait for the perfect set of conditions is to wait forever. In every big decision the mind battles with itself – to act or not to act, to do or not to do. It’s a good advice to cross bridges as we come to them.

Make up your mind to do something about your ideas. Expect future obstacles and difficulties. Every venture presents risks, problems and uncertainties. Meet problems and obstacles as they arise. The test of a successful person is not the ability to eliminate all the problems before he takes action, but rather the ability to find solutions to difficulties when he encounters them, i.e. cross bridges when you come to them.

Only cure for stage fright is action. Getting right out there before the audience is the cure for dread, worry and fear. Waiting ever makes the experts nervous. On a trip to jump site a trainee thought too much about what may happen and panicked. The jump really isn’t too bad. it’s the waiting to jump that gets a fellow into fear. Nothing comes merely by thinking about it. To wait for the perfect set of conditions is to wait forever. So what’s stopping you. Get into ACTION.

L 765

Why personal branding is important?

You cannot NOT Communicate. Your appearance will communicate definitely something about you.

There is nothing as neutral clothing. Whether you choose to wear something or you choose not to wear something, it will communicate something about you. That’s why first impression are always important.

Your appearance creates your image. Your image is everything you do in this world. Another name for image is your Personal Brand.

L 747

Start with Why

An organization’s why comes from the founder and their beliefs. This is often something they believe long before their organization exists. It’s a cause that drives them constantly.

Learner’s clubs why is the acquisition of new knowledge on a regular basis and inspiring others to keep learning new things and concepts. Learning makes us intellect and helps improve us in decision making.

How we do it is gaining new knowledge from whatever sources we can books, quotes we found somewhere around or while discussions on various topics with other learned people and professionals, whereas social media and internet is a new source of learning these days.

What we do is inspiring others and keep them motivated to achieve more and learn more.

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. 5GB MP3 player Vs 1000 songs in your pocket. Creative told us WHAT their product was and Apple told us WHY we need it.

This relationship defines the difference between the Vision and a mission statement. The vision is the purpose whereas the mission is how the company will work towards its vision.

Leadership requires two things a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it.

The leader sits at the top of the cone at the start, the point of WHY, while the HOW types sit below and are responsible for actually making things happen. The leader imagines the destination and how types find the route to get there.

The goal is to hire those who are passionate for your why, your purpose, cause or belief and who have the attitude that fits your culture.

When you hire people who believe what you believe, success just happens. You don’t hire for skills you hire for attitude.

Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them.

So start finding the Why of your life which will definitely guide you towards the way to success. Your How can change and have enlarged view but keep sticking to your Why.

From the global bestseller book Start with Why by Simon Sinek.

Thanks to the Booklet Guy Amrut Deskmukh for making things little easy to learn.

Learning 715

To achieve anything three interconnected and interwoven forms of discipline are needed – perception, will and the action.

Only the people who have learned how to see situations for what they truly are can capitalize on hidden details. You can choose to see what you want to see. You could focus on negatives or magnify possibilities and the chances that each barrier avails.

“My life is one long obstacle course with me as the chief obstacle.”

Closed doors are not always what they appear to be. It all depends how you see it. To you it is a dead end, to some, it is a chance to find new routes or blaze a trial through it, and teach others to follow.

“You are the biggest obstacle, but you are also the change that you seek.”

Shaping your perspective allows you to fixate on those slim chances. There are things that you might not have the power to control, but choosing to give it your all is totally within your domain.

True to this, the most compelling success stories are those that feature people who had challenged seemingly impossible feats. As such, live in the present, think differently and believe that there is nothing beyond you. Now, you are ready to put all this mind conditioning talk to work, it is time to act.

“To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest.”

You have to put it to work, act on your perception, overcome the barriers, and prepare for the next one. Chances are that someone or something is going to stand in your way. That’s a given, the most important information, thereafter is your actions or inactions.

Great people on the other hand capitalize on some of the faintest hints of success, and they never look back.

In other words, you do not need all the stars to align, all you need is one star, and then get moving.

Nevertheless, sometimes success does not come cheap. You might need to throw everything you have at the obstacle.

In a way, persistence helps us to find new ways of doing things, especially when we have exhausted all the conventional solutions. With each trial and error, we find iterations that are unsuitable and failures that teach us what and where to improve.

Follow the process: fail, learn and improve.

In essence, the future might look bleak for now, but the progress you have made today is the only assurance that you are heading in the right direction.

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

Doing work and working smartly are two different things. Always find an edge. Smart people do less work because they prefer exerting force on more meaningful things. Turn your defeat into a template for you to learn.

“I am a pessimist because of intelligence and an optimist because of will.”

Regardless of the setback, you should not stop having a passion for what you do.

Passion in itself pushes you to help others fighting defeats, it sets you on a pedestal of leadership where your failures could motivate the lost.

Identify the goals, thereafter outline all the challenges you might face, and get your mind prepared for the confrontation ahead. Map out a strategy and get to work.

How to Bring out the Lion in You?

How to stay motivated ?
In the jungle which animal is the biggest ……..

I heard you say, Elephant.
In the jungle which animal is the tallest ……..

I heard you say, Giraffe.
In the jungle which animal is the wisest ……..

I heard you say, Fox.
In the jungle which animal is the fastest ……..

I heard you say, Cheetahs.
Yet, you say the Lion is the KING of the jungle even without ANY of these qualities.!!
The Lion is courageous,
The Lion is very bold,
The Lion walks with confidence. 

The Lion dares anything and is never afraid. 

The Lion believes he is unstoppable. 

The Lion is a risk taker. 

The Lion believes any animal is food for him. 

The Lion believes any opportunity is worth giving a try and never lets it slip from his hands. 

The Lion has charisma.!!

– What is it that we get to learn from the Lion ??
• You don’t need to be the fastest.
• You don’t need to be the wisest.
• You don’t need to be the smartest.
• You don’t need to be the most brilliant.
• All you need is *courage*
• All you need is the will to try.
• All you need is the faith to believe it is possible.
• All you need is to believe in yourself, that you can do it.!!
It’s TIME to bring out the Lion in you..!!
Stay motivated