All posts by CA Shivani Gupta

Hey, Thanks for stopping by and checking out my site. Hi, I am Shivani Gupta, a Chartered Accountant tunred into Global Inspirer, Bestseller, 2X World Record Holder, Keynote Speaker, Growth, Mindset and Author Coach. I am also a NLP Practitioner and a self-motivated highly optimistic person. Reading, Writing and Learning new things is my passion. I am the founder of Skilling on Saturdays - a knowledge sharing platform, a series on personal development running every saturday 7AM IST. Joining link here: Know me more: Some of my blogs are: E - Learner's club - It's All About Beautiful Life By Gkindshivani - Learner's Club - Amazing India Amazing Indians - Kindly Subscribe and be a part of my internal community if you have interest in learning about mindset, brain workings, thinkovation, daily motivation, inspiration, motivational stories and anecdotes, Tech and tools that you need, posts on creativity, art, nature, beauty, photography beyond camera, wisdom quotes, positive vibes, articles on various topics from all the major fields of life, and much more positive and eye catching stuff which I love sharing with my audience. You can also find my articles on PAJAMAWORKERS, DAILYZEN.UK, MY TRENDING STORIES, ADANI TRAVELS, PHYSICS WALLAH, and A FEW OTHERS. Remember to FOLLOW / SUBSCRIBE and get connected to have a great experience. Lets connect together to bring the required positive changes in this world. Each individual has the power and the potential to do anything he/she wish. It's only a matter of recognition, will power and determination. I love to be inspired, motivated and improve the quality of live I am living as well as inspire the same to others too. Anyone can dream big and live a life he or she wants to live. It's all a matter of choice and passion. I have chosen to read, write and share all my learnings and experiences I gain continuously to everyone out there, compelling the sleeping souls to wake up and pursue their dreams. I wish that I can invoke a feeling in myself and others that at the end of our life we can say, "Oh..well we did it in the best possible way what we can, instead of regretting what we could have done..." I am a pro-active, optimistic and a cheerful person. Where few years back I was of the thought, "Writing is not my cup of tea" to "Writing is what I am made I write in a flow.... You can feel free to catch me up on or connect me at LINKEDIN where I am most active here:

SUPER POWER MINDSET Launching Soon…10th April, 2022

SUPER POWER MINDSET IS LAUNCHING SOON. If you haven’t registered yet, do check the details and register to win discounts, bonuses and exciting surprizes. Check it here:

CA Shivani Gupta

I am super excited to share the news with my community that my 1st book SUPER POWER MINDSET is ready to launch on 10th April, 2022, 8PM (IST)

Are you all equally excited to pre-book your copies?

I invite you all to the virtual launch of the book and make it a grand success. Register for the big launch event: CLick SUPER POWER MINDSET to know more details.

It is a book co-authored by not two, not three but 12 Top Experts across India who have specialized expertise in their respective fields, to bring forward to you the advanced hacks and techniques to harness the astonishing powers of mind.

The synergy of these 12 authors has brought you a combination of different types of mindsets you need to carry for holistic development in all major fields of life. It will blow your mind and it will change the way you…

View original post 49 more words

L783 Hindi Diwas

Essence of Pa-varga the fifth set of letters in the Sanskrit / Devnagri alphabet.

Hindi is not just a language like others in the world. It has deeper connotations and one can gain knowledge of these only by gaining knowledge from our vedic scriptures.

Letters Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha and Ma are the fifth set of letters in Devnagari alphabets. Look how deeper connotations they have.

Pa stands for ‘Parishrama’ = hard work. Every little entity in this world is struggling very hard for its maintenance and survival.

Pha stands for ‘phena’ = foam. When a horse works very hard, foam comes out of its mouth. Similarly when we are tired from working hard, our tongue may become dry and some foam forms in our mouth.

Ba represents ‘bandhan’ = bondage. In spite of all our efforts, we remain bound up by the ropes of this material world.

Bha stands for ‘bhaya’ = fear. In material world one is always holding some fear because of the uncertainties of what the future holds.

Ma represents ‘mrytu’ = death. All our Hope’s and plans for happiness and security in this world are ended by death.

Krishna consciousness nullifies this pavarga process. Pavarga symptomizes this material world but as you add a prefix ‘a’ to pavarga it turns to ‘apvarga’ where there is no hard struggle for existence and no material bondage, fear or death. Krishna consciousness is a path of pavarga.

This is the magic of hindi and sanskrit where each word is framed with some higher level of understanding, and intellect. Its based on real science.

Do you know any such scientific reasons behind Hindi to make every Indian proud? Drop your thoughts in the comments.

L 782

REASONS WHY WE SHOULD CONSTANTLY READ BOOKS – 50 reasons to get motivation to read regularly.

1. Books help you to feel more confident.

2. Books help you to travel around the world in the cheapest way.

3. Books develop your personality.

4. Books provide food for thought.

5. Books make you laugh and think.

6. Books draw you towards perfection.

7. Books stimulate creativity.

8. Books bring out writing talent.

9. Books help you in communicating.

10. Books clear your vision.

11. Books satisfy your curiosity.

12. Books help you make better choices.

13. Books help you build literary talent.

14. Books do not require any special device to teach.

15. Books increase your attention span.

16. Books are fruitful pastime.

17. Books can be used anytime, anywhere.

18. Books provide entertainment, when others fail.

19. Books make you powerful.

20. Books help you know the ‘Whys’ and ‘Hows’ of everything.

21. Books help you to create and spread fun.

22. Books help you travel across time intelligently.

23. Books keep you updated with facts and figures.

24. Books spread love, affection and knowledge.

25. Books make the best of friends.

26. Books take you to intellectual environment.

27. Books help you feel the world around you.

28. Books entertain your mind.

29. Books broaden your horizon.*

30. Books bring Nature to your doorstep.

31. Books bring about a ‘personality change’.

32. Books increase comprehension.

33. Books do not require company.

34. Books are stress-busters.

35. Books develop a sense of belonging to people around you.

36. Books provide mental and physical relaxation.

37. Books act as a communication tool.

38. Books are intellectually satisfying activity.

39. Books provide spiritual experience.

40. Books provide emotional strength.

41. Books build your self-esteem.

42. Books help and encourage your imagination to soar.

43. Books make you smarter and wiser.

44. Books help you grow.

45. Books take you to a ‘world of dreams’.

46. Books can change your life and vision.

47. Books help you in achieving ‘life goals’.

48. Books develop wonderful experience.

49. Books transform lives.

50. Books inspire, books motivate, books build Nations.

Be challenged to start reading books and not just storing them please!


L 780

Pomodoro Technique: One at a time, using Pomodoro Technique in order to get things done.

Pomodoro in Italian means ‘Tomato’. The technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in 1980s. A ‘tomato’ shaped kitchen timer is used to break the task in 25 minutes interval to stay indistractable. Short break of 3 minutes is prescribed on completion of one Pomodoro to stay directed and achieve focus.

Even if you haven’t completed your task on hand, break it down to 25 minutes Pomodoro. Breaking down and taking breaks after 25 minutes is to praise you for accomplishing, not the other way round that you didn’t completed. Have few Pomorados a day and you will be more focused with high achievability. Its the art of getting things done.

One at a time the most priority one gives you accomplishment instead of having many and doing nothing.

Getting competing thoughts out of your head is mandatory if you want to be able to stay focused. Keep it aside by writing it in your urgent but not so important quadrant as said by Steven R. Covey in his best selling book the ‘7 habits of highly effective people’.

The fight between ‘have to’ and ‘want to’ is known as the ‘Terrible two’. When people push work on you, it’s unlikely you’ll enjoy doing it.

In the Pomodoro technique, you select the number of activities in the morning that you believe you can complete during the day.

By actively pulling the activities into your To Do List instead of getting them pushed on you,you increase your personal commitment.


Perfectionism prevents action and pushes one towards procrastination.

Using Pomodoro technique, winding up the clock and putting in 25 minutes of efforts will reward you with being able to do an ‘X’ and then take a break. After the break you can decide to perfect or complete ‘X’ or move on to ‘Y’.

The prospects of getting into the flow are much better when you’re rested, seated and focused, than when you are just hanging around and waiting for inspiration.

When interrupted during a Pomodoro, either the other activity must be recorded and postponed (inform-negotiate-schedule-callback) or the Pomodoro must be abandoned.

L 779

When leading up and down the chain of command, remember

1. Take responsibility for leading everyone in your world, subordinates and superiors alike.

2. If someone isn’t doing what you want or need them to do, look in the mirror first and determine what you can do to better enable this.

3. Don’t ask your leader what you should do, tell them what you are going to do.

Waiting for the 100% right and certain solution leads to delay, indecision and an inability to execute.

Dichotomy of leadership: A leader must lead but also be ready to follow.


Most important thing is that try to sow good seeds so that the plant, flowers that will grow will be very bright and outstanding in this world.


“Accept Negative Advice only as a Challenge.” As big men don’t laugh at big ideas.

Don’t let NEGATORS destroy plan to success. Negators are everywhere and they seem to delight in sabotaging the positive progress of others.

L 774

“Ideas are highly perishable. Very few bear fruit. If we are not on guard, the squirrels (negatively thinking people) will destroy most of them.”

Don’t let ideas escape. Write them down. Memory is a weak slave. Always carry pen and paper with you. When you get an idea, write it down the instant it occurs to you.

Don’t let ideas escape, else you destroy the fruits of thinking. Fence them in.

Next, keep storage of your ideas, review them. Cultivate and fertilize your ideas. Investigate all angles. Then when the time is ripe, put it to work for yourself, your job, your future.

Then your developed ideas have to be sold. Somebody must buy the idea, else it has no value. Resolve to put your ideas in a saleable form. An idea written or in some sort of picture or diagram form has many times more selling power.

L 773

When do I read? I CAN’T find time to read.

The Context, Not The Time

Ohh yes, I always wanted to read, but 24 hours aren’t enough.

There’s no time to breathe. When do I read.

THERE IS NO TIME TO DIE. And you talk about reading?

I hear this from so many people, and then I wonder, how come Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani, Warren Buffet, Narendra Modi, and some of your friends never say this.

Implement this one concept, and you will never have a TIME issue again!

Your Mission:

1. Watch the following videos:

Best time to read

L 772

Thinker’s Lab

What comes to your mind? Can we start a mastermind “Thinkovation” group, where thinking combines with innovation can drive us to create a “Imagym” where imagination combined with the gymnasium of our brain muscles can build “Pactomations” actions through our positive affirmations. Hope you can feel the synergy?

Thinking is lot more required than anything in this world. Mindmaps are the advanced tools of thinking. Where creativity meets imagination and do wonders. They trigger our brain to think creatively.

Bill Gates says mindmaps are the future thinking tools and mindmappers are taking our information democracy to the next level.

Your thoughts. Drop your comments if interested to CRIACT Creatively ACT with this mastermind Thinkovation group.

Heal Yourself

A poem by Maria Sabina, Mexican curandera (medicine woman) and poet.

“Cure yourself, with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon.
With the sound of the river and the waterfall.
With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.
Heal yourself, with the mint and mint leaves,
With neem and eucalyptus.
Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.
Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon.
Put love in tea instead of sugar
And take it looking at the stars
Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you
and the hugs of the rain.
Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.
Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition,
looking at the world with the eye of your forehead.
Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.
Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember …
YOU are the medicine.”

L 770

Get the ACTION Habit

Got a good idea? Then do something about it. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Action feeds and strengthens confidence, inaction in all forms feeds fear. Every big job requires a man who thinks ACTION, i.e. ability to get things done, to get results.

Excellent ideas are not enough. An only fair idea acted upon and developed, is 100% better than a terrific idea that dies because it isn’t followed up. Think of it. Everything we have in this world, from satellites to sky scrappers to baby food is just an idea acted upon. Mr. Activationist gets the things done he wants done, and as by-products he gains confidence, a feeling of inner security, self reliance and more income. Mr. Passivationist is a don’ter. He postpones doing things until he has proved he shouldn’t or can’t do them or until it’s too late.

Ideas are important. We must have ideas to create and improve anything. Ideas in themselves are not enough. An idea is of value only when it is acted upon, else they will be buried deep down into the mental graveyard. First, give your ideas value by acting upon them. Second, act on your ideas and gain mind tranquility. Someone once said that the saddest words of tongue or pen are these: it might have been.

To fight fear – ACT. To increase fear – wait, put off, postpone. A good idea if not acted upon produces terrible psychological pain. But a good idea acted upon brings enormous mental satisfaction. To wait for the perfect set of conditions is to wait forever. In every big decision the mind battles with itself – to act or not to act, to do or not to do. It’s a good advice to cross bridges as we come to them.

Make up your mind to do something about your ideas. Expect future obstacles and difficulties. Every venture presents risks, problems and uncertainties. Meet problems and obstacles as they arise. The test of a successful person is not the ability to eliminate all the problems before he takes action, but rather the ability to find solutions to difficulties when he encounters them, i.e. cross bridges when you come to them.

Only cure for stage fright is action. Getting right out there before the audience is the cure for dread, worry and fear. Waiting ever makes the experts nervous. On a trip to jump site a trainee thought too much about what may happen and panicked. The jump really isn’t too bad. it’s the waiting to jump that gets a fellow into fear. Nothing comes merely by thinking about it. To wait for the perfect set of conditions is to wait forever. So what’s stopping you. Get into ACTION.

L 769

The Power of Less

Focusing on the essential produces the most results for the least efforts. If you try to tackle everything that grabs your attention, you’ll constantly find yourself stressed, overwhelmed and burned out. Simplicity is the art of focusing only on what’s essential to your goals and your personal satisfaction and ignoring the rest.

You must set limits, they don’t set themselves.

The essence of prioritizing is deciding not to do something. Without limits, we mistakenly assume that everything is important and also assume that we will be able to do whatever is necessary to get everything done. If we don’t set limits we tend to waste time and energy working beyond the point of Diminishing Returns.

Parkinson’s Law states that, “work expands to fill the time allotted.” That’s why it’s easy to work until you collapse, surf the internet endlessly and spend too much money on things that don’t really matter.

Focus on only one thing at a time. Multitasking is a myth. Our brains are only capable of truly paying attention to one thing at a time. When we think we are multitasking, all we’re really doing is rapidly switching the focus of our attention from one task to the next. Every time your focus shifts, it takes your mind a while to load the information it needs to operate effectively.

Limit your active goals and projects to no more than 3-4 at a time. It preserves your focus and attention, allowing you to actually accomplish your most important objectives quickly and move on to next.

Establish 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) everyday and do these before working on anything else. Try to finish these MITs as quickly as possible. Once you accomplish your MITs, the rest of the day is a bonus.

Batch similar tasks together to preserve your focus. Every time you switch the object of your focus, you lose a great deal of productivity – the immoral Cognitive Switching Penalty. To avoid the penalty, it pays to find ways to switch your focus less often. Batching is the practice of grouping similar tasks together, then tackling them all at once. Errands or daily chores are best to batch. Eg. Checking emails once or twice instead of checking every 5 minutes. Or how productive would it be to drive to the grocery store every time you want to buy a single item? Putting what you need on a list, then buying everything at once is clearly more efficient. Doing multiple errands at once, like going to the post office right before you go grocery shopping is even better.

Installing positive habits is easiest when you start small, then build on your early success. Installing habits takes willpower and willpower is very limited resource. For best results, focus only on installing or changing one habit at a time and start with small increments. Even the smallest win motivates you more than the slightest failure. Whatever you do focus on ONE (and only one) habit at a time. Practice that until it becomes second nature requiring no thought or willpower to do everyday.

Consciously minimize your active commitments and don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to new ones. The truth is your time, attention and energy are limited. When you overwhelm yourself with commitments, you’re shortchanging the most important activities that will contribute the most to your productivity, satisfaction and success. You’re also shortchanging the less important commitments since they’re competing with all of the other critically important projects in your world.

Slow down, pay attention and enjoy the process. Looking back on life, one of the most common regrets people express at the end of their lives is that it all went too quickly, and they didn’t focus enough on what was clearly the most important – family, friends, important contributions and enjoying the small moments of life.

When all is said and done, no one really cares how many zeros you have in your bank balance, what your job title is, or how many followers you have on Twitter. Recent research indicates that memorable experiences do impact your happiness and life satisfaction, so it pays to focus on ways to create memorable experiences. Slowing down and mindfully enjoying your daily experience of life is simple, effective and free.

L 768

Desire for life

There’s always that desire for life that’s better than the one you have now.

When you do try to stay in your comfort zone, you never truly feel comfortable. There’s always that nagging feeling that you could be doing more. The more we try to stay comfortable today, the more uncomfortable we’ll be tomorrow.

There really is no destination, only exploring, exploring and exploring. Stop doing all that shit you know you shouldn’t be doing and start doing all the shit you know you should be doing. Those who succeeded, succeeded not because they were certain that they were going to succeed but they didn’t let uncertainty stop them. So rethink and start doing.

L 767

Virtual vacation to boost your productivity.

One of the great ways for you to overcome procrastination is by working as though you had only one day to get all your most important jobs done before you left for a month or went on a vacation.

By putting the pressure on yourself, you accomplish more and better tasks, faster than ever before.

You became a high performance, high achieving personality. You feel terrific about yourself, and bit by bit, you build up the habit of rapid task completion that then goes on to serve you on all the days of your life. So when are you going on a virtual vacation?