Category Archives: Inspiration


Most important thing is that try to sow good seeds so that the plant, flowers that will grow will be very bright and outstanding in this world.

L 770

Get the ACTION Habit

Got a good idea? Then do something about it. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Action feeds and strengthens confidence, inaction in all forms feeds fear. Every big job requires a man who thinks ACTION, i.e. ability to get things done, to get results.

Excellent ideas are not enough. An only fair idea acted upon and developed, is 100% better than a terrific idea that dies because it isn’t followed up. Think of it. Everything we have in this world, from satellites to sky scrappers to baby food is just an idea acted upon. Mr. Activationist gets the things done he wants done, and as by-products he gains confidence, a feeling of inner security, self reliance and more income. Mr. Passivationist is a don’ter. He postpones doing things until he has proved he shouldn’t or can’t do them or until it’s too late.

Ideas are important. We must have ideas to create and improve anything. Ideas in themselves are not enough. An idea is of value only when it is acted upon, else they will be buried deep down into the mental graveyard. First, give your ideas value by acting upon them. Second, act on your ideas and gain mind tranquility. Someone once said that the saddest words of tongue or pen are these: it might have been.

To fight fear – ACT. To increase fear – wait, put off, postpone. A good idea if not acted upon produces terrible psychological pain. But a good idea acted upon brings enormous mental satisfaction. To wait for the perfect set of conditions is to wait forever. In every big decision the mind battles with itself – to act or not to act, to do or not to do. It’s a good advice to cross bridges as we come to them.

Make up your mind to do something about your ideas. Expect future obstacles and difficulties. Every venture presents risks, problems and uncertainties. Meet problems and obstacles as they arise. The test of a successful person is not the ability to eliminate all the problems before he takes action, but rather the ability to find solutions to difficulties when he encounters them, i.e. cross bridges when you come to them.

Only cure for stage fright is action. Getting right out there before the audience is the cure for dread, worry and fear. Waiting ever makes the experts nervous. On a trip to jump site a trainee thought too much about what may happen and panicked. The jump really isn’t too bad. it’s the waiting to jump that gets a fellow into fear. Nothing comes merely by thinking about it. To wait for the perfect set of conditions is to wait forever. So what’s stopping you. Get into ACTION.

L 766

If we do not believe we can make it, we will not get the resources we need to make it. The moment we believe, the gates are opened and a flood of energy is unleashed the same way as we find in some treasure hunt.

Keep exploring step by step and you will get the clues and the resources. Both hope and despair are self fulfilling prophecies.

L 764

Habit of Winning

Sometimes a simple little snippet can point to larger life lessons.

Eg. ‘Aoccrdning to a rseearch at Cmabrgide Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are. The olny ipromoatnt tihng is taht the frist and the lsat ltteer be in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it woutit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istelf but the wrod as a wlohe.

The road to success in life is too is quiet similar. Getting started is key. And learning to finish tasks is priceless. The rest is well commentary.

L 763

“The seed of money is Service.”

Put service first is an attitude which creates wealth. You don’t get a raise on the promise of better performance, you get a raise only by demonstrating better performance.

You can’t harvest money unless you plant the seeds that grow money. And the seed of money is Service. Put setvice first and money takes care of itself.

Always Give people more than they expect to get. Each extra little something you do for others is a money seed. Money seeds ofcourse grow money. Plant service and harvest money. Make it a rule in everything you do, give people more than they expect to get.

Under-promise and over-perform. Amazon is the best example for this statement, it exceeds people’s expectations. It promises to deliver in 7 days but mostly delivers in 3-4 days. As if you overpromise and underperform, you will loose goodwill. But the vice-versa will make people trust in you and enhance your goodwill.

Grow the Service First attitude.


Have the right attitude. Enthusiasm can make things 1100 % better.

To activate others, to get them enthusiastic, you must first activate yourself and be enthusiastic.

When our attitude is right, our abilities reach a maximum of effectiveness and good results inevitably follow.

Grow these three attitudes. Make them your allies in everything you do.

1. Grow the attitude of I’m activated.

2. Grow the attitude of You are important.

3. Grow the attitude of Service first.

L 752

One at a time. The 100%

What does that mean?

It’s the secret to success. We have a tendency to start various projects or tasks and work on them with completion at different stages. Sometimes leaving the project midway as close to 99% and keep hopping to another one that interests you.

Change your working style. Make it a habit to finish the project single mindedly upto 100%, you have taken and then only proceed with the other one. It will give you a feel of success and step by step you will proceed towards success.

Start applying this mantra and you will feel accomplished.

L 750

Grow BIG by Thinking Big.

Remember, It pays in every way to think BIG.

Don’t sell yourself short. You’re better than you think you are.

Stretch your vision. See what can be, not just what is. Practice adding value to things, people and to yourself.

Use the big thinker’s vocabulary. Use big, bright, cheerful words that promise victory, hope, happiness, pleasure. Avoid words that creat unpleasant images.

Get the big view of your job.

Think above trivial things. Ask yourself, “Is it really important?” Focus your attention on big objectives.

L 745

Interest, enthusiasm is the critical factor to achieve anything.

With a positive, optimistic and cooperative attitude a person with an IQ of 100 will earn more money, win more respect, and achieve more success than a negative, pessimistic, uncooperative individual with an IQ of 120.

Just enough sense to stick with something – a chore, task, project – until it’s completed, pays off much better than idle intelligence, even if idle intelligence be of genius calibre.

For stickability is 95 percent of ability.

L 742

Remember, you have the capacity to choose. CHOOSE Life! Choose Love! Choose Health!

You do not have to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion. All of us have suffered from it in our childhood and in our teens.

Auto suggestion is a means releasing you from the mass of negative verbal conditioning.

You must make certain to give your subconscious only suggestions which heal, bless, and elevate to inspire you in all your ways.


Pass it on….whatever you have gained and possess. Just pass it on. As it is rightly said the only thing you can expand by giving is ‘Knowledge’.

It’s not just theoretical knowledge but also includes all kinds of skills. Whatever you have learnt at any stage of your life, just share and pass on to others.

May be in this process, you may gain some unpolished diamond, which can be polished and shine to benefit the entire human race. So your efforts may not go in vain.

“कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती। “

“Those who try never get defeated.”

L 740

The treasure house is within you.

Your subconscious has the answer to all your problems.

Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health and your subconscious, being your faithful servant will obey you.

Every thought is a cause. Every condition is an effect.

You are like a captain navigating a ship You must give the right orders.

Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it. Affirm, “I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.

The law of life is the law of belief. Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen and prosper you.

Change your thoughts. You change your destiny.

L 736

As I start a new journey,,,In the world of possibilities,,,I see an opportunity,,,standing there, awaiting me. So full of promise,, but it makes me wonder,, will I make it, or I will surrender? But as I look at myself,,, I can tell, I can see,,, I will take it on,,, as long as I believe in ME

L 732

Have faith in yourself. Never loose faith. There are opportunities hanging around. You just have to grab them.

If we don’t loose our hope and stay positive, we will always find a way.

Our mind revolves around the things we feed it. Feed it with positivity and it will always find you a way out.

L 731

Prayer is the formulation of an idea concerning something we wish to accomplish. Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It comes out of your deepest needs and it reveals the things you want in life.

Ask and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Mathew 7.7

Here you are told you shall receive that for which you ask. It shall be opened to you when you knock, and you shall find that for which you are searching.

It implies the definiteness of mental and spiritual laws. You must ask believing if you are to receive. Your mind moves from the thought to the thing.

L 729

” Happiness is crazy mathematics. It multiplies when you start dividing it.”

ख़ुशियाँ भी अजीब गणित है ; जब आप उसे डिवाइड, बाँटना चाहते हैं , उतना ही गुणा होता जाता है ।

L 728

Things are about to change for you. May the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. You’ve been strong long enough, it’s time to start receiving your blessings. You deserve it.

Learning 723

If you try to live your life wrapped up in your stories like most folks do — you don’t have money, you are not good enough, you can’t quit your job, you are lazy; etcetera — and trudging through life with your head down and clinging to your false beliefs, chances are you won’t be able to see the infinite sea of opportunities surrounding you.

Countless, awesome versions of reality surround you, but if you stay set in your ways and committed to your stories about who you are and what your reality looks like, you will end up scratching only the surface of all that’s available to you every moment.

Life is an illusion created by your perception, and you can change it the moment you chose to. Just focus on a new illusion, a new reality.

हँसो तो मुस्कुराती है ज़िंदगी
रोने से आँसू बहाती है ज़िंदगी!

प्यार दो तो संवर जाती है ज़िंदगी,
हाथ बढ़ाओ तो पास आती है ज़िंदगी!!

जिस नजर से देखो वैसी नजर आती है ज़िंदगी
नजरिया बदलते ही बदल जाती है ज़िंदगी!!!

Learning 715

To achieve anything three interconnected and interwoven forms of discipline are needed – perception, will and the action.

Only the people who have learned how to see situations for what they truly are can capitalize on hidden details. You can choose to see what you want to see. You could focus on negatives or magnify possibilities and the chances that each barrier avails.

“My life is one long obstacle course with me as the chief obstacle.”

Closed doors are not always what they appear to be. It all depends how you see it. To you it is a dead end, to some, it is a chance to find new routes or blaze a trial through it, and teach others to follow.

“You are the biggest obstacle, but you are also the change that you seek.”

Shaping your perspective allows you to fixate on those slim chances. There are things that you might not have the power to control, but choosing to give it your all is totally within your domain.

True to this, the most compelling success stories are those that feature people who had challenged seemingly impossible feats. As such, live in the present, think differently and believe that there is nothing beyond you. Now, you are ready to put all this mind conditioning talk to work, it is time to act.

“To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest.”

You have to put it to work, act on your perception, overcome the barriers, and prepare for the next one. Chances are that someone or something is going to stand in your way. That’s a given, the most important information, thereafter is your actions or inactions.

Great people on the other hand capitalize on some of the faintest hints of success, and they never look back.

In other words, you do not need all the stars to align, all you need is one star, and then get moving.

Nevertheless, sometimes success does not come cheap. You might need to throw everything you have at the obstacle.

In a way, persistence helps us to find new ways of doing things, especially when we have exhausted all the conventional solutions. With each trial and error, we find iterations that are unsuitable and failures that teach us what and where to improve.

Follow the process: fail, learn and improve.

In essence, the future might look bleak for now, but the progress you have made today is the only assurance that you are heading in the right direction.

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

Doing work and working smartly are two different things. Always find an edge. Smart people do less work because they prefer exerting force on more meaningful things. Turn your defeat into a template for you to learn.

“I am a pessimist because of intelligence and an optimist because of will.”

Regardless of the setback, you should not stop having a passion for what you do.

Passion in itself pushes you to help others fighting defeats, it sets you on a pedestal of leadership where your failures could motivate the lost.

Identify the goals, thereafter outline all the challenges you might face, and get your mind prepared for the confrontation ahead. Map out a strategy and get to work.